
Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation



                                                                                                             Dear friends and colleagues!

Березовой4.jpgLeaving the post of General Director of FBA EAC, I want to thank all of you for many years of joint work, mutual assistance and understanding, for all the time that we were together: we worked, were friends, communicated, helped each other, were happy and upset.
The past ten years have been filled with grandiose plans and projects, large-scale transformations, victories, sometimes failures, but always with optimism and the desire for something new, for continuous development. This is confirmed by the recognition of FBA EAC in more than 70 countries around the world and a wide circle of like-minded people who speak different languages, but strive for one thing - cooperation based on trust and mutual respect.
Many of you were and will remain not only colleagues, but also friends who supported me and my family during the most difficult period of my life, for which I am sincerely grateful to you and will never forget it. I wish that each of you is happy and loved, that your work brings joy, that every day of your life is successful and memorable.
I don't say goodbye. The day is not far off when we will sit down at the round table again and discuss issues of our future joint work.
                                                                  Sincerely,          O. Berezovoy