V China International Import Expo (CIIE)

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » V China International Import Expo (CIIE)

V China International Import Expo (CIIE)

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президент.jpgV China International Import Expo (CIIE) 2022 was opened in Shanghai (PRC) on November 5, 2022. More than 30 Russian companies are taking part in the exhibition.
SLC-Rus, led by Mr Li Shuobing, President of FBA EAC, is present with its stand in the Food and Agribusiness section under the general brand name «Made in Russia».
SLC in partnership with Russian Export Center JSC organized an exposition of products from 24 Russian producers. The main goal of the exhibition is to find potential partners-buyers of agricultural products and, as a result, to increase export volumes from Russia to China.
Mr He Lunbao, Director of the External Relations Department of SLC's Shanghai office, spoke at the opening ceremony. In his speech he stressed that representing Russian agricultural producers in China is a great pride. Russian food produce is known in China as environmentally friendly, natural and healthy. Additional guarantee of quality of food produce exported from Russia is «Made in Russia» certification by the Russian Export Center JSC, which is awarded to the residents of REC.
It should be said that SLC-Rus has been working with REC JSC since April of this year. The company is the national operator of the Centre throughout China and has been implementing a management program of tasting exhibition stand called «Good Food Russia».
Speaking about SLC-Rus's participation in the China International Import Expo, Mr Li Shuobing said that he had always paid and continues to pay great attention to the development of Russian-Chinese relations and the promotion of Russian products on the Chinese market.

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