2nd International Financial and Economic Forum «Perspectives of the Eurasian Economic Union in the Context of European Experience and Global Challenges»

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of Euro-Asian Cooperation

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » 2nd International Financial and Economic Forum «Perspectives of the Eurasian Economic Union in the Context of European Experience and Global Challenges»

2nd International Financial and Economic Forum «Perspectives of the Eurasian Economic Union in the Context of European Experience and Global Challenges»

December 4, 2015 was held 2nd International Financial and Economic Forum «Perspectives of the Eurasian Economic Union in the Context of European Experience and Global Challenges»

The 2nd Moscow International Financial and Economic Forum “Perspectives of the Eurasian Economic Union in the Context of European Experience and Global Challenges” took place at the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) in Moscow. The Forum was organised by the RSPP Integration Council of Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs on Cooperation with the Eurasian Economic Commission, the Financial and Banking Association of the Participating Countries of the Shanghai Cooperation (FBA CS), and the International Economic Senate (IWS) of Berlin, Germany, with the support of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Business Club.
Among over 120 participants of the Forum there were representatives of financial and banking associations and organisations and senior executives from Russian and foreign investment companies from 11 countries of Europe, Asia and Africa.
The Forum addressed topical issues of economic aspects of Eurasian integration; financial and currency regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) countries; issues arising from harmonisation of national legislation of the EAEU states, as well as formation of a common information space for the benefit of the business community. The participants also discussed the problem of mutual influence of economic sanctions. Another important discussion topic was the issue of strengthening the partnership between Europe and Asia in order to secure economic growth of the member states.
Важным предметом дискуссии стали вопросы укрепления партнерских отношений между Европой и Азией для обеспечения экономического роста стран-членов альянсов
Foreign participants presented the view from Europe on Eurasian integration and gave their assessment of integration within the EU itself.
With their keynote addresses the participants were welcomed by Alexander Shokhin, the RSPP President, and Thomas Limberger, Chairman of the Board of the International Economic Senate and CEO of the SilverArrow Capital Group. Mr Shokhin mentioned some of the results of the first year of the EAEU, and accession to the Union of the Republic of Armenia and the Kyrgyz Republic. In particular, he focused on the problems and unresolved issues of the common market of medicines and medical products, technical regulation, standardization and conformity assessment, integrated customs regulation within the EAEU, accession of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the WTO, and addressed the role of business in the integration processes of the Eurasian Economic Union.
At the first plenary session of the Forum the following participants gave analysis and evaluation of the prospects for the EAEU:
Anatoly Aksakov, an MP of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship;
Giorgos Tsipras, Secretary General for International Economic Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Greece);
Vadim Kovalev, Deputy Director of Financial Policy Department, Eurasian Economic Commission;
Andrey Lotsmanov – First Deputy Chairman of the RSPP Committee on Technical Regulation, Standardization and Conformity Assessment and Member of the RSPP Integration Council; Prof. Dr. Federico Foders – President, IWS (International Economic Senate, Germany);
Pavel Isaev, Responsible Secretary of the RSPP Committee on Integration, Trade and Customs Policy and WTO, Adviser to Director General of Severstal Management JSC, and Member of the RSPP Integration Council;
Sergey Kanavsky, Executive Secretary of the SCO Business Council, President of the SCO Business Club, Vice-president of the NP “FBA CS”;
Oleg Preksin, Vice-President and Chairman of Committee for International Affairs of the Association of Russian Banks (ARB), Deputy Chairman of the RSPP Committee on International Cooperation, and Member of the RSPP Integration Council;
Vyacheslav Pshenichnikov, Vice-President, International Congress of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (ICIE);
Oleg Chernyshov, Chairman of the Committee on Sustainable Development of Real Economy and Investment, Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Examiner-In-Chief, Federation Council and State Duma Parliamentary Centre “High Technology, Intellectual Property”.
The second plenary session of the Forum was devoted to the investment projects and opportunities for their development in the EAEU. The following speakers took the floor to deliver their presentations:
Leonid Morozov, Minister of Economic Development of Perm Krai;
Peter Varwijk, Managing Director, IMI Precision Engineering;
Nadezhda Vedeneyeva, Deputy Minister, Director of Department of State Policy on Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Agriculture of the Tula Region;
Mikhail Zilonov, CEO, LG Avtomatika;
Mikhail Kozhich, CEO, Agrimec-Voitto;
Ulf Kutscher, Managing Director, NUKEM Technologies GmbH;
Richard Leopold, Luxury Brand Manager, Bentley Russia & CIS;
Bilgeis Mamedova, Partner, BEITEN BURKHARDT Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH;
Joram Voelklein – Managing Director, KochBank Brokerage And Corporate Finance;
Vladimir Halla, CEO, Russian Supply Company Group.
The conference was followed by bilateral discussions on enhancing cooperation in the field of investment, including in the regions of Russia.
The moderators of the Forum were:
Alexander Murychev, Executive Vice-President and Chairman of the Integration Council of the RSPP;
Vladimir Kotenev, Managing Director, ECOVIS Strategic Consulting Berlin GmbH, Ambassador of Russia in the Reserve;
Oleg Berezovoy – General Director of FBA CS and Vice-President of ICIE.
A resolution was passed to hold the 3rd Forum in December 2016 in Moscow.

This post is also available in Russian: II-й Московский международный финансово-экономический форум «Перспективы ЕАЭС в контексте Европейского опыта и глобальных вызовов»