European Bureau of the FBA EAC

Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» European Bureau of the FBA EAC

European Bureau of the FBA EAC

The European Bureau of the FBA EAC was created to expand international cooperation in Europe


European Bureau of the FBA EAC President Dragan Trivan


Dragan Trivan was born in 1977 in Belgrade. By education, he is an industrial production manager and a forensic expert. He is a candidate and Doctor of Sciences in the field of corporate and industrial safety. Dragan Trivan holds a professorship and teaches at several universities in Southeastern Europe. Academic titles and scientific degrees were awarded to him at the universities of Serbia, Slovenia and Macedonia. He is constantly working at the Faculty of Business and Law in Belgrade. Dragan Trivan has published more than 100 scientific and professional publications in the country and abroad. He is the author and editor of several monographs, textbooks and manuals published in Serbia and in the region. Dragan Trivan is a member of professional and program committees of a large number of international scientific and practical conferences. As an expert, he participated in the development of various laws and standards in the Republic of Serbia. In addition to his university and scientific experience, Professor Trivan has been working in business and management for several decades. As a young successful entrepreneur, he created his own companies with hundreds of employees who became market leaders. He was repeatedly elected to senior positions in public organizations, for example, he was President of Entrepreneurs of Belgrade and Vice-President of Entrepreneurs of Serbia. In the Belgrade Chamber of Commerce and Industry, he served as a member of the Board of Directors and the Assembly for several terms, and was also a member of the Assembly of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia and President of general and professional associations in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia. In two mandates, he served as Vice-President of the Belgrade Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Prof. Trivan was also a member of the Economic and Employment Council of the City of Belgrade. Today he is a deputy of the Belgrade Chamber of Commerce and Industry. In 2013, as Vice-President of the Employers' Association of Serbia, "Employer" was its representative at the International Congress of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs in Moscow. Professor Trivan has received a number of awards for outstanding results in scientific, business and humanitarian activities.