About awards of the Association

Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » About awards of the Association

About awards of the Association

          APPROVED BY

Coordinating Council of FBA

            October 30, 2014

with changes from 26.02.2016



1.General Provisions
1.1       This provision of Awards (further - Provision) was developed to define the procedure for awarding individuals and legal entities, organizations and institutions - members and partners of Association “Financial and Banking Association of Euro-Asian Cooperation” (further – Association).

1.2       This provision is developed in accordance with the Statute of FBA EAC.

1.3       This provision defines the types of Awards of the Association, status and description of Awards and regulates the procedure for submitting to the award and the procedure for awarding.

1.4       Awards of the Association are a form of recognition of individuals and organizations, which have contributedsignificantly to the development of the financial and banking sector and the activities of the Association.

1.5       Awards of the Association are: -           FBA EAC Badge of Honor – Order; -           FBA EAC Badge of Honor; -           Certificate; -           FBAEACGoldenBadge; -           FBAEACSilverBadge.

1.6       Samples of Badges of Honor, Certificate, decals as well as the information disclosed therein are approved by the Coordinating Council of the Association.

1.7       Awards of the Association, at the discretion of management of rewarded person, shall be a basis for application of measures of additional encouragement to him, set forth in the internal workplace regulations of the organization or collective agreement (theissuanceofaprize, therewardingofavaluablegift, raisingthesalary, promotion, etc.).

2. The procedure for submitting to Awards of the Association

2.1       The application on the submission to rewarding shall be completed for each candidate, submitted to Awards of the Association (expect for - FBA EAC Silver Badge, FBA EAC Golden Badge).The application is issued in free form and shall contain: type of award, the basis of the award and a reasoned justification, including information about the specific merits of the candidate for the award.

2.2       The application is compiled by Heads of organizations-members of the Association as well as partners and is submitted to the Coordinating Council of the Association.

2.3       The right to nominate candidates for awards has the Supervisory Board, Coordinating Council, President, General Director of the Association.

2.4       The received application is considered by members of the Coordinating Council within 7 working days from the date of receipt.

2.5       Decision of the Coordinating Council for awarding is made by simple majority vote and executed by a protocol.

2.6       Rewarding is made consistently: Certificate of FBA EAC, FBA EAC Badge of Honor, FBA EAC Badge of Honor – Order.In special casesand only on the basis of the Coordinating Council decision rewarding is taken place without procedure.

2.7       The FBA EAC Silver Badge is presented to the partners of the Association for the high level of professionalism and personal contribution to effective business in the Eurasian countries.

2.8      The FBA EAC Golden Badge is presented only to the members of the Association who has revealed high professionalism, and for personal contribution to effective business in the Association.

2.9       The FBA EAC Certificate is presented to the members of FBA EAC, heads and team members of financial and banking structures, scientific and public organizations, federal and regional executive and legislative bodies, and Mass Media for the high level of professionalism and personal contribution to effective business in the Eurasian countries.

2.10     The Badge of Honor is conferred to the members and partners of the Association, heads and team members of financial and banking structures, scientific and public organizations, federal and regional executive and legislative bodies for special achievements, high level professionalism, active participation in the affairs of the Association, as well as for the contribution into the development of banking sector of the Eurasian countries.

The Badge of Honor can be conferred not more frequently that once a year.

2.11     The FBA EAC Badge of Honor – Order is the highest degree of honor and is conferred to outstanding persons, heads of the organizations – members of the Association, which are involved in the development of legislation, organization, scientific, analytical and informational support for the financial and banking business on the Eurasian territory, as well as to those who has contributed a lot to the implementation of the Association goals. The Order is accompanied by a Certificate.

3.The procedure of Awards of the Association

3.1       Awarding is made in a solemn atmosphere: on the day of the General Annual Meeting of the Association's members, at meetings of the Coordination Council or public events held by the Association.

3.2        Awards are presented by President of the Association, Chairman of the Supervisory Board and Chairman of the Coordination Council.

3.3       The same person cannot twice award the same reward.

3.4       Individuals are obliged to ensure the safety of awards. Repeated awards are not allowed.

4. Accounting of Awards

4.1  Staff of the Association keeps a record of Awards and documents.

5. Final Clause

5.1       Decision on amendments and additions to this Provision is adopted by Coordinating Council of the Association.

5.2       Establishment and abolition of the Award of the Association alters the provisions.