Business trip to France

Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » Business trip to France

Business trip to France

Франция визитIMG_6397.jpgOn March 8-10, 2018 upon the invitation of Mr. Ive Pozzo di Borgo and the Head of FBA EAC Representative office in France Mr. Jerome Clausen the Association management visited Paris.

At the meeting the Association was represented by the Chairman of Coordinating Council Alexander Murychev and General Director Oleg Berezovoy. The French party was represented by Ive Pozzo di Borgo and the member of the Managing Board of Claresco Finance Lai Kamara.

The parties discussed that the situation in the relations between Russia and France remains difficult while the mutual interest of businesses of both countries is high. That is why the French business is interested in FBA platform where it will have new opportunities and use the whole range of Association’s financial and trading instruments to do business on the EAEU territory. In his turn Lai Kamara, a famous French lawyer, international arbitrator offered his experience in defending interests of Russian business and business of EAEU countries in different judicial instances of France. Ive Pozzo di Borgo also discussed the issues of involving companies from Africa and the Middle East to FBA platform, opportunities of interaction with the French-Russian Chamber of commerce and the perspectives of investment fund. The Association also offered some projects to be fulfilled in France.

Париж1IMG_6384.jpgThen the parties exchanged presents.

The goals of the business trip were reached. There was an interesting discussion, experience exchange, stronger business contacts and new business partners. The parties confirmed their interest in further mutually advantageous relations, their understanding of strategic trends, and also agreed to meet in Moscow in the second part of March.