Chairman of Coordination Council FBA CS Murychev Alexander gave an interview to the Japanese television channel Nippon Television (NTV)

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » Chairman of Coordination Council FBA CS Murychev Alexander gave an interview to the Japanese television channel Nippon Television (NTV)

Chairman of Coordination Council FBA CS Murychev Alexander gave an interview to the Japanese television channel Nippon Television (NTV)

January 15, 2015  Chairman of Coordination Council FBA CS Murychev Alexander, Executive Vice-President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs gave an interview to the Japanese television channel Nippon Television (NTV).

During an interview with Akira Ikegami Alexander Murychev touched topics such as:

1. Prospects for cooperation between Russia and Asia-Pacific.

2. The prospects of cooperation between Russia and Japan.

3. The investment climate in Russia and measures, plans to take the Russian business community to improve it.

4. The theme of import substitution and the ability to attract foreign technologies for the development of production and in particular the Japanese technology

5. The expectations of the business community against the backdrop of deteriorating economic conditions.

6. Options for the development of Russian-Japanese relations in the long term.

Nippon Television Network Corporation to Japanese international channel in English, intended for a wide audience of viewers in different countries who are interested in Japan, its economy, history, culture, foreign and domestic policy.  Every hour on the air – newscast NHK NEWSLINE about the events in Japan, Asia and other regions of the world.  The grid broadcast channel – columns devoted to business, science, art, sports, the outdoors Japan, the Japanese way of life and their view of the world.

This post is also available in Russian: Председатель Координационного Совета ФБА СУШС Александр Мурычев дал интервью японскому телеканалу Nippon Television (NTV)