Excerpt from the report № 1/ДС-2020 meeting of Business council FBA EAC

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » Excerpt from the report № 1/ДС-2020 meeting of Business council FBA EAC

Excerpt from the report № 1/ДС-2020 meeting of Business council FBA EAC

Video-conference 15:00-16:45

April 17, 2020


Members of the Business Council:
1 Baiseitov Bahytbek R. - Chairman of the FBA EAC Business Council
2 Ivanov Denis Y. - Chairman of the Management Board, International Bank
economic cooperation
3 Kovalev Vadim V. - Head of the EEC Financial Policy Division
4 Landyel Istvan – General secretary Banking associations countries Central and Eastern Europe

1 Anatoliy N. Tkachuk - President of FBA EAC
2 Oleg Vl. Berezovoy - General Director of FBA EAC
3 Kumar Manish - Member of the Board of FBA EAC
4 Samvel A. Chzmachyan - Member of the Board of the FBA EAC, Head FBA EAC representative offices in Armenia
5 Vladimir Vl. Kotenev - member of the Board of FBA EAC, Head FBA EAC Germany office
6 Grigory Dashutin - Member of the Board of FBA EAC
7 Oleg Preksin - Member of the Board of FBA EAC
8 Afanasov Feodor - Member of the Board of FBA EAC
9 Di Borgo Yves Pozzo - Member of the Supervisory Board of the FBA EAC
10 Jérôme Closen, Head of the FBA EAC Representative Office in France

1 Peculiarities of the FBA EAC work in the conditions of coronavirus quarantine.

The meeting is conducted by the Chairman of the Business Council of the FBA EAC B.R. Baiseitov.

Secretary of the meeting - Chief Executive Officer of FBA EAC E. V. Berezovaya


 B. Baiseitov singled out as the main task the development of a scientifically grounded strategy of the Association's development, to offer a coordinated position of the business community in interaction with government and supranational authorities of Eurasian countries. Now it is important to invert the project bank, to complete the digitalization of the Exchange, which requires the creation of data processing centers. Special attention should also be paid to public-private partnerships. Another task is to establish the interaction of legal fields in international trade and to form on this basis supply chains based on long-term contracts.

Bayiseitov suggested that in the future there would be no significant division into sectors for the economy and a new economy would be born at the border of sectors. As the directions of work, Baiseitov proposed to consider the organization of the FEZ program "Khorgos - Eastern Gate" and the creation of a similar center in Belarus. These steps may help to start participating in the program of transport system of the new "Silk Road".

A separate task is to develop cooperation between BRICS, SCO, EAEC and the EU. As the main factors that will help this work, Baiseitov singled out cooperation with the Eurasian Development Bank, support of private initiatives and attraction of qualified personnel.

In his speech, A. Tkachuk once again stressed the importance of creating new areas of the Association's activities and new tools to work in these areas. From his point of view, now it is especially important to form the working bodies of the FBA EAC and strengthen cooperation with existing development institutions, including public authorities.

In his speech O. Berezovoy told about the work of the Association's staff in new conditions. As current tasks, he named the registration of amendments to the Charter of the FBA EAC adopted at the General Meeting, modernization of the website, preparation of a new version of the Association's booklet and the new issue of the Herald.

М. Kumar stressed that the task of creating a marketplace on the EAK FBA site remains relevant. The importance of this confirms the existence of suitable projects, for example, in Bulgaria.

D. Ivanov singled out two topics - new realities of remote work and technical problems of remote banks, as well as the issue of trade finance. The need for trade financing is now growing due to the reduction of funding sources. In this regard, the role of interaction with development institutions is increasing.

I. Lendiel suggested that webinars should be prepared on the Association and its activities in order to attract new members.

V. Kotenev emphasized that in the current conditions it is important to maintain interaction between countries and the energy balance in the world. The support of medium and small entrepreneurs is no less important. In addition, Kotenev suggested the future restructuring of the world political system. He singled out the creation of new major infrastructure projects as a line of work.

G. Dashutin, regarding the topic of creating a project office, highlighted the need to initially put in the project a development factor - resources, market and economic factor.

О. Preksin also expressed his opinion on the creation of the project office. He believes that this task should be solved through a strategic projects bank. As a possible subject for webinars he mentioned the document on strategic directions of integration development of the EAEC countries until 2025, which will be adopted in Minsk in the second half of May. He spoke separately about the preparation of the Forum, the main purpose of which will be to find a balance in the relations between the EAEC, EU, BRICS and SCO.



 1 Develop the technology to create the FBA EAC Business Council Project Office.

Resp. B. Bayseitov

Deadline: May-June 2020.

 2 To work out the issue of creating an Investment Fund. For this purpose, together with the IBEC bank to form a Working Group.

Resp. B. Bayseitov, D. Ivanov

Deadline: May 2020.

3 Prepare a webinar on "Strategic directions of integration. The development of the EAEC countries until 2025".

Resp. O. Preksin

Deadline: May 2020

4 To work on the issue of creating a Marketplace on the basis of the FBA EAC website - an optimized online platform for product and service delivery to members of the FBA EAC.

Resp. O. Birch, G. Dashutin, М. Kumar

Deadline: May-June 2020