FBA EAC develops cooperation with business circles of Iran

Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » FBA EAC develops cooperation with business circles of Iran

FBA EAC develops cooperation with business circles of Iran


On May 7, 2018 FBA EAC hosted a delegation of business structures from the Islamic Republic of Iran. The head of the delegation was the Managing Director of corporate group Kian Gostar Atien Kish Mr. Mostafa Gholami. FBA EAC was represented by the Executive Director Oleg Ryazanov.

The corporate group Kian Gostar Atien Kish focuses on promotion of Iranian computer technologies producers, oil and gas industry, agriculture.

Two-hour business meeting covered future mutually advantageous cooperation of the parties.

FBA EAC Executive Director O.Ryazanov underlined the exclusive instruments which the Association can offer to unite commodity markets and to promote goods, as well as the advantages of the Association over other intermediaries and trading companies. The working structures of FBA EAC such as the Universal Commodity Exchange, Eurasian Customs and Logistic Holding, Eurasian Center for Human Resources, International legal center, Eurasian contact-center, give great opportunities to the members of Association and support their projects. O.Ryazanov offered the corporate group Kian Gostar Atien Kish to become a full member of FBA EAC.

Mr. Mostafa Gholami shared his experience of promoting Iranian goods in the European market and dwelled upon the mechanisms of investment attraction for SME. He also highly appreciated the activity of FBA EAC and expressed strong interest in business cooperation with it.

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The parties decided to expand business contacts and framed a road map for the nearest futures.