French business extends partnership with FBA EAC

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » French business extends partnership with FBA EAC

French business extends partnership with FBA EAC

On October 25, 2018 the FBA EAC management met with the owner of “Otrada” group companies Patrick Hoffman. The company focuses on pig breeding, as well as crop farming, feed production, meat processing. Products are supplied to large meat producers and to retail shops of “Otrada” in Lipetsk. Moreover the company has a genetics selection center. This sphere is very promising in Russia today. Patrick Hoffman mentioned that his company looks out on foreign market and seeks partners in Kazakhstan and China. So the parties of the meeting discussed possible ways of cooperation between FBA EAC and Otrada in selecting partners on Asian markets.

Alexander Murychev, Chairman of FBA EAC Coordinating Council, Executive Vice-President of RSPP shared experience in forming partner ties with European business and improving business climate in the Eurasian space, stressing such focus areas as the development of project finance, of transfer of technologies, of e-commerce etc. He underlined that experience is a good basis and can become a platform for active bilateral contacts, search for new business partners, joint initiatives and for the improvement of financial potential of the parties. Alexander Murychev summarized successful practices of FBA EAC in minimizing of risks, decrease of costs, and named the advantages of different patterns of partnership with FBA EAC. He also confirmed the willingness of FBA EAC to do business with “Otrada” group companies on mutually advantageous basis. 

FBA EAC General Director Oleg Berezovoy gave details about Association’s completed projects for small and medium enterprises on the territory of Asia, and about its possibilities to increase business activity of its European partners. After that Oleg Berezovoy offered to work out a “road map” for future joint projects with “Otrada” group companies. Among the first initiatives he mentioned possible steps to the construction of pig breeding complexes in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan and in future – in China.

In conclusion Oleg Berezovoy spoke about the upcoming issue of the “Herald” – FBA EAC magazine, and offered the French party to take part in the next issues, which are distributed in more than 20 countries of Eurasia.

The meeting enjoyed the atmosphere of confidence, the parties exchanged opinions on key priorities of cooperation and confirmed their mutual interest in joint projects. Besides Mr. Hoffman confirmed his participation and speech at the V MOSCOW INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC FORUM “Eurasian Economic Union and the EU: Search for new formats of cooperation” which will take place in Moscow on November 30, 2018. FBA EAC was also represented by Sofia Arkhipova, deputy head of Projects and Expertise Department. 


In the photo from left to right: Oleg Berezovoy, Patrick Hoffman, Alexander Murychev.