From 21st till 23rd May 2014 in Astana, Kazakhstan, VII Economic Forum and II World Anti-Crisis Conference were held.

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of Euro-Asian Cooperation

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » From 21st till 23rd May 2014 in Astana, Kazakhstan, VII Economic Forum and II World Anti-Crisis Conference were held.

From 21st till 23rd May 2014 in Astana, Kazakhstan, VII Economic Forum and II World Anti-Crisis Conference were held.

From 21st till 23rd May 2014 in Astana, Kazakhstan, VII Economic Forum and II World Anti-Crisis Conference were held.

These events are held by Nursultan Nazarbayev initiative – President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Astana Economic Forum (AEF) is one of the world‘s largest international forums. Since 2008 AEF brings together: global leaders, experts and business community representatives to find counter action solutions against major economic and socialchallenges. This year’s forum attended more than 15,000 people. Among honorabledelegates - over 130 ministers from more than 100 countries.

The forum agenda is a reflection of the modern world order and included different format events, covering most topical issues of world economy development and growth recovery, food and environmental security, development of tourism, traditional and alternative energy, implementation of innovations and attraction of investments.

On May 23rd 2014, in the frames of AEF,panel session “Eurasian economic integration - 20 years. Results and prospects” was held. Alexander Murychev – Chairman of the Coordination Council attended the event on behalf of Financial and Banking Association of countries-members of the Cooperation of Shanghai.

At the session was examined modern development of Eurasian integration, based on the Eurasian Union project, which was presented by Nursultan Nazarbayev – President of Kazakhstan on March 29th 1994. Treaty of Eurasian Economic Union creation is planned to sign on May 29th 2014 in Astana.

This session aroused great interest among Astana Economic Forum participants, representatives from scientific community and government bodies from countries-members of Customs Union and EurAsEC, as well as media representatives from around the world.

This post is also available in Russian: VII Экономический Форум в Астане