I panel session of the VIII Moscow International Financial and Economic Forum

Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » I panel session of the VIII Moscow International Financial and Economic Forum

I panel session of the VIII Moscow International Financial and Economic Forum

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Alexander Kotlyarsky, First Vice-President of the FBA EAC, General Director of PROMTEX, Doctor of Technical Sciences, opened the first panel session.
On behalf of the organizers of the Forum, he welcomed its participants. In his speech, Mr. Kotlyarsky noted that the issues of digitalization of industry are extremely relevant today. The fourth industrial revolution, embodied in the Industry 4.0 program, involves the introduction of digital technologies in all areas of our daily life, including production activities.
Digital transformation of production can be defined as a strategic modernization of a company's business processes, its organizational system. The latter opens up wide opportunities for combining the efforts of the countries of Eurasian cooperation to address the issues of the introduction of digital technologies in all branches of industrial production.

During the session, the participants discussed the following issues:

- ndustry 4.0 as a concept for the development of Eurasian cooperation;
- introduction of digital technologies in the tasks of managing industrial enterprises of the countries of Eurasian cooperation;
- the role of digital technologies in the automation of production processes;
- introduction of industrial robots – a fashion or a real need;
- digital technologies as a strategic direction for improving the efficiency and safety of labor at industrial enterprises of the countries of Eurasian cooperation.
Шакалиев 650.jpg Arman Shakkaliyev, a member of the Board (Minister) for Competition and Antimonopoly Regulation of the Eurasian Economic Commission, addressed the audience with a welcoming speech. "The Moscow International Financial and Economic Forum is traditionally an important discussion platform for high-level professionals," the Minister said in his speech. Speaking about the activities of the Eurasian Economic Commission, A. Shakkaliyev focused on the issues of integration of the EAEU members. According to the minister, last year the presidents of the Union countries approved Strategic Directions for the development of the Eurasian economic integration until 2025, one of the directions of which was digitalization. "The digital transformation of industry will allow establishing stable cooperation ties in various spheres of interaction between the EAEU member states," the minister said. In conclusion, of his speech, Arman Shakkaliyev wished the Forum participants fruitful work, constructive discussions and expressed confidence that many promising ideas will be expressed on the sidelines of the Forum, which will find real embodiment in various industries.

мати ярвинен 650.jpgThe working part of the panel session was opened with a report presented by Matti Yarvinen, Vice-President of Automation at Metso-Outotec (Finland).
Metso-Outotec is ranked 8th in the list of the 100 most sustainable companies in the world "Global 100", published by Corporate Knights in 2021.
In his speech, Matti Yarvinen focused on the problems of using digital doubles in metallurgy. Digital twins allow you to manage the full life cycles of physical assets and processes. The process of creating a digital twin begins with an integrated design, in which the design and modeling of processes are combined with the overall design of the installation to create an integrated engineering environment. The digital twin also uses artificial intelligence mechanisms for advanced process management. Scaling the digital twin to the whole enterprise operation model allows you to identify inefficiencies in current operations and realize hidden opportunities in real time.

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Dmitry Minaev, Director of the CIS Automation Department at Sandvik Mining and Construction CIS LLC (Sweden), continued the discussion on the practical feasibility of introducing digital technologies in the mining industry.
Sandvik is a global group of engineering companies with more than 37,000 employees, which makes every effort to improve productivity and safety at its customers' facilities.
In his report, Dmitry Minaev focused on one of the important aspects of the successful operation of mines and pits, which is the introduction of robots capable of performing the most responsible or dangerous technological tasks independently or under remote control. This approach allows you to increase significantly the working time utilization of such machines, eliminates situations that can lead to injury to working personnel.

познякевич.jpgAlexander Poznyakevich, Business Development Manager at Kaspersky Lab, emphasized the urgency of protecting industrial enterprises from cyber threats in his speech.
Kaspersky Lab is an international company working in the field of information security and digital privacy.
In his speech, he noted that one of the main stages accompanying digitalization at each enterprise is a comprehensive solution to information security issues. According to Kaspersky Lab, every second computer in the world (in Russia this figure is 44%) operating in the industrial segment has been exposed to malware at least once. About 300 thousand new malicious programs appear on the world market every day. There is a serious increase in the number of computer viruses in all major production segments. Ensuring the security of Critical Information Infrastructure (CII) facilities is one of the priority tasks today. The systematic implementation by the owners of the CII of information security measures provided for by Federal Law No. 187-FZ of 26.07.2017 "On the Security of the Critical Information Infrastructure of the Russian Federation" and its by-laws should ensure the stable functioning of the latter in the conditions of computer attacks against CII objects.
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Alexey Samoshilov, Head of the business unit "Industrial Service" DI CS of SIEMENS (Germany) continued the discussion.
SIEMENS works in the fields of industrial automation and digitalization, energy distribution, intelligent infrastructure and mobility.
In his speech, the speaker focused on how SIEMENS sees the development of digital transformation of industrial enterprises, how the introduction of digital technologies and industrial robots affects the business processes of industrial enterprises. He spoke in detail about the experience of introducing digital technologies and industrial robots at SIEMENS enterprises.

летиев 650.jpgOleg Lettiev, Director of the Department of Automation of Industrial Processes at PROMTEX, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, emphasized in his speech the importance of an integrated approach in solving the main tasks of digital transformation of industrial enterprises. The PROMTEX Company is an innovative enterprise specializing in solving problems of industrial automation and digital transformation in various fields of industry.
In his speech, the speaker outlined the main advantages of the transition to the digital transformation of the enterprise. Mining production processes are among the most complex in terms of their automation. This is due to a large number of random factors, the inertia of processes, and the continuous development of the minefield. To ensure the life of the mine, a significant number of safety subsystems, production and technical subsystems are required, the introduction of which is conditioned by the requirements of legislation. Most enterprises currently have a number of dedicated automated systems that are not connected to each other in any way. Solving the problem of increasing the efficiency and safety of underground mining operations, taking into account the aspects of digital transformation, the first step is to combine systems into a single information space, search for patterns and logical connections between subsystems, transformation of disparate systems into a complex automation system, united by a single dispatching control center. The end-to-end integration of various enterprise processes and ensuring their information interconnection transforms production into an observable and manageable eco-environment. This leads to an overall synergistic effect and a significant increase in the efficiency of individual business processes. As an illustration of the modern approach to the digital transformation of the enterprise, the speaker elaborated on the Structure of digital production, the main idea of which is the transition to the unification of individual subsystems within digital platforms.
Панкевиц 650.jpgThe presentation of Axel Pankewitz, Sales Director of in–line Sympatec GmbH (Germany), was dedicated to the introduction of modern analytical complexes at metallurgical enterprises of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Cooperation.
Symantec develops, manufactures, sells and provides technical support for innovative particle size and shape analysis equipment at many enterprises around the world.
In his speech, the speaker noted that the peculiarity of processing and metallurgical enterprises is the instability of the indicators of raw materials: ores and their concentrates. This feature leads to instability of the entire technological chain, which significantly affects the quality of the final product. In order to reduce the impact of significant deviations in the parameters of the feedstock on the quality of the finished product, it is necessary to monitor continuously the composition of the feedstock, intermediate and final products in the production process, to form control and control actions aimed at reducing the impact of instability of the feedstock.

котляр мл 650.jpgAnton Kotlyarsky, Project Manager of Industrial Technologies, an exclusive representative of TROLEX (the UK), made a report on the introduction of digital technologies in the tasks of occupational safety and industrial safety.
TROLEX is an associate member of ABMEC. The company has been a world leader in the development and production of modern measuring instruments, specialized controllers and systems for mining enterprises for more than 60 years.
In his speech, the speaker focused on the two most important issues for ensuring the safety of mining operations: measuring the concentration of dust in the working areas of a mining enterprise and monitoring the stability of rocks. The report presented TROLEX's innovative solutions based on the extensive use of modern digital technologies, which allowed the company to create systems that are unique in their characteristics. One of these tasks is to control the dust content in the air. Industrial dust is the smallest solid particles released during crushing, grinding and machining of various materials, loading and unloading of bulk cargo, etc., as well as formed during condensation of some vapors. Dust damages different parts of the human respiratory system and can cause irreparable damage to health, lead to potentially fatal diseases. More than 12,000 people die every year in the UK from lung diseases associated with hazardous dust in the workplace. To solve this problem, the company TROLEX has developed a new generation of dust concentration measurement system - AIR XD. Rock collapses, the formation of chips, the exfoliation of layers are phenomena that pose a significant danger to mine personnel and, as world and domestic experience shows, are in the first place among the phenomena that lead to injury and accidents at work. In order to inform workers in a timely manner and remove them from dangerous underground workings, the company has developed a roof stability monitoring system – RockMonitor XR.
котляр 650.jpgConcluding the panel session, Alexander Kotlyarsky noted the considerable interest of the Forum participants in the issues under discussion. "This year, representatives of 27 countries of the world have become our listeners, which significantly exceeds the number of listeners who joined us last year," the moderator said "Such a result indicates that interest in business cooperation from the business community of Eurasia is growing year by year."
Summing up the results of the panel session, the moderator stressed that the issues of digital transformation of industrial enterprises are a strategic direction in the tasks of improving the efficiency and safety of labor at enterprises of the countries of Greater Eurasia.
"I express my sincere gratitude to all participants of the panel session. I hope that the issues considered in the course of its work will be useful in your daily production activities. I would like to wish you all health and success in the implementation of your plans," Alexander Kotlyarsky said in conclusion.

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