IBC Meeting in Minsk

Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation


IBC Meeting in Minsk

Invited by the Association of Belarussian Banks the General Director of FBA EAC O. Berezovoy took part in the extended meeting of the International Coordinating Council of Banking Associations (International Banking Council, IBC). The organizer of the event was the Association of Belarussian Banks, the partner – LWO company. The event was held on October 22, 2019 in Minsk in President Hotel within the XVI International Forum on Bank Information Technologies BANKIT’19. 

The main topic for discussion was “Priority areas of digital transformation of the banking sector”. 

Among the participants of the meeting were Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus D. Kalechits, Chairman of the Association of Belarussian Banks A. Kuchinskiy, Chairman of the International Banking Council, Deputy Chairman of the Association of the Banks of Russia A. Murychev, Chairman of the Financial and Banking Council of CIS A. Kazakov, CEO of the National Payment Council А.Obaeva, as well as the leaders of banking associations and financial institutes of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Montenegro, Uzbekistan and Ukraine. 

IMG_9920 с.jpgThe participants of the meeting shared their opinions of the main agenda and exchanged the experience of banking sector of their countries on other hot issues.

The International Banking Council if a voluntary and informal union of banking associations of 15 countries of CIS established in 2004 with the aim to study the work experience of baking associations from CIS and the Eastern Europe, to exchange information and to regularly analyze the progress in the banking sector of the states. 

награждение.jpgFor special contribution into effective business and enlarging the economic potential, solution of tasks in the legislative, organizational, scientific and analytical and information development of the financial and banking sectors on the territory of Eurasia the Chairman of the Association of Belarussian Banks A. Kuchinskiy was rewarded with the highest degree of honor of FBA EAC - order. The award was delivered by the Chairman of FBA EAC Coordinating Council A. Murychev.