II Eurasian Economic Forum took place on May 24-25 in Moscow

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of Euro-Asian Cooperation

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » II Eurasian Economic Forum took place on May 24-25 in Moscow

II Eurasian Economic Forum took place on May 24-25 in Moscow

The II Eurasian Economic Forum was held on May 24-25, 2023 in Moscow in connection with the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council with the participation of heads of the EAEU member states and observer states. The events were held in the framework of the presidency of the Russian Federation in the bodies of the Eurasian Economic Union in 2023. The motto of the EEF was «Eurasian integration in a multipolar world». The goal of the Forum was to improve cooperative ties in the Eurasian space. The Forum's business program, which included the full range of issues of Eurasian cooperation in a changing world, attracted more than 2,700 participants from 54 countries. Among them were leaders of states, heads of large, medium and small businesses, representatives of governing bodies, international, scientific, educational organizations and the expert community.  

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The FBA EAC was represented by President of the Association Li Shuobing, Chairman of the FBA EAC Executive Board Alexander Murychev, Member of the FBA EAC Executive Board and Chairman of the International Banking Council Oleg Preksin, Executive Director Svetlana Orlova, Director of the European Bureau of the FBA EAC Ekaterina Fedulova, Deputy Chairman of the FBA EAC Committee on HR and Qualification Andrey Bespalov.

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On May 24 within the program of the II Eurasian Economic Forum Chairman of the FBA EAC Executive Board Alexander Murychev moderated the session «International Settlements and Digital Assets». It should be said that financial and banking topics were raised in one way or another in the reports and discussions at almost all sessions of the EEF-2023, whether it was strategic issues dedicated to the development priorities of the EAEU until 2030 and beyond, or the prospects of digital transformation, development of production and technological transformation, foreign trade and customs cooperation, competition and public procurement, or building up human capital. The panel session on international settlements and digital assets brought together a record number of participants.

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The speaker of the panel session was Bakytzhan Sagintayev, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the FBA EAC, Member of the Board (Minister) of Economy and Financial Policy of the Eurasian Economic Commission. Anatoly Aksakov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Financial Market, member of the FBA EAC Supervisory Board participated in the event online.

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Oleg Preksin, Member of the Executive Board - Chairman of the International Banking Council of the FBA EAC, spoke about «The current state and prospects of cross-border payments and settlements» at the session «Business as a driver of Eurasian economic integration: challenges and prospects» and gave an interview to the correspondent of the Asia-Europe Bureau of China Xinhua Information Agency, where he noted that transition to settlements in national currencies does not solve all problems and the search for alternative forms of international settlements for the multipolar world should continue, paying particular attention to collective digital assets in stable coin. At the same time, the scale of this search is particularly important, and it should include the EAEU, BRICS and SCO countries with a «plus» sign.

Andrey Bespalov, Deputy Chairman of the FBA EAC Committee on HR and Qualification, took part in the panel session «Human Capital». The meeting discussed such key aspects as the impact of labor migration processes on the socio-economic development of EAEU member states; priorities of scientific and technological development in the EAEU; cooperation in the field of professional education to train personnel for the unified labor market. Participants of the event stated that today the EAEU countries are lagging behind the developed countries in terms of research intensity of GDP. In these circumstances, promising scientific developments and projects should become the basis for technical re-equipment and innovative development, it is necessary to create a basis of self-sufficiency and ensure economic growth of the EAEU member states.

An important place in the EEF-2023 program was reserved for the Plenary Session, where the EAEU leaders addressed the business community, as well as the meeting of the Presidium of the EAEU Business Council, which was chaired by the RSPP. Representatives of the leading business associations of the EAEU discussed in detail the issues of cooperation with partners from third countries and international institutions, the terms of financing the Eurasian industrial cooperation, the concept of the Eurasian trade house, the progress of the business community survey on the current results, challenges and future directions of Eurasian economic integration for the development of strategic planning documents until 2030 and 2045, and, finally, ways to improve the system of working bodies of the EAEU Business Council.

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On May 25, President of the FBA EAC Li Shuobing participated in the Business Breakfast «New Opportunities for the Development of International Cooperation in Eurasia» at the invitation of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, which organized the event. During the Business Breakfast, the participants discussed approaches to the formation of a joint agenda for international cooperation in the Eurasian space in order to address key issues of interaction, the creation of space for dialogue at the public, expert and business levels, the updating of plans for joint work.

All events of the forum were held at a high professional and representative level.