III panel session of the VIII Moscow International Financial and Economic Forum

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » III panel session of the VIII Moscow International Financial and Economic Forum

III panel session of the VIII Moscow International Financial and Economic Forum

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котенев 650.jpgVladimir Kotenev, Member of the Board of the FBA EAC, Managing Director of Euroasian Strategic Consulting GmbH (Germany) 

уве 650.jpgand Uwe Leuschner, General Director of the Russia/Germany Economic Club (Germany) moderated the third panel session. The participants were unanimous in the opinion that the economic recession before the pandemic, and then the severe recession of the world economy due to the pandemic led to a change in established markets, a sharp rise in the cost of sea transportation, an increase in the role of rail and road transport.

араи 650.jpgThe first speaker at the panel session was Hirofumi Arai, Director and Senior Researcher of the Research Department of the Institute of Economic Research of Northeast Asia (ERINA) (Japan).PRESENTATIONоваси 650 ОБОЕЗ.jpg
Iwao Ohashi, Adviser for Japan and the Asia-Pacific Countries of the Association of Industrial Parks of Russia, Member-expert of the Transport and Logistics Subcommittee of the RSPP International Cooperation Committee, also gave an interesting speech.     PRESENTATION
  The speakers presented the Asian experience of arranging economic hubs along transport arteries, which could be useful for the Russian Federation and some European countries. The speakers noted the great potential of Russia in terms of creating trans-Eurasian transport and economic corridors, localization of production in Russia by foreign companies due to a number of local advantages.
бессонов 650.jpgGennady Bessonov, Secretary General of the International Coordinating Council for Trans-Eurasian Transportation, continued the discussion.PRESENTATIONгром 650.jpg
So did Alexey Grom, General Director of the United Transport and Logistics Company PRESENTATION
  The speakers spoke about the significant advantages of rail transport: speed, flexibility, environmental friendliness, low cost, a high degree of mutual understanding between countries and specific operators connected by railways. At the same time, the speakers noted the need to modernize existing and build new railways, especially in Siberia and the Russian Far East, improve their infrastructure, reduce electricity losses, and accelerate the introduction of digitalization achievements.

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Viktor Fokin, General Director of ENERGOSERVICE LLC, gave a speech at the panel session. The speaker focused on the use of new technologies and materials in the production and modernization of power transmission lines in order to minimize energy losses and reduce the carbon footprint in the process of arranging highways.

Ekaterina Evdokimova, Managing Partner of the Stupino Kvadrat SEZ, spoke about the activities of the Special Economic Zone, where transport and logistics companies play an important role.PRESENTATION

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The panel session ended with a speech of Ulf Schneider, Member of the Supervisory Board of FBA EAC, President & Founder of SCHNEIDER GROUP (Germany)PRESENTATIONDiscussing the initiative of German entrepreneurs to create a single market from Lisbon to Vladivostok, the participants expressed their wish for the early start of negotiations between the EU and EAEU commissions on the creation of such a market. It is also important to take into account the interests of the EAEU and Asian countries in the energy sector in the list of priority topics, harmonization of standards and recognition of technical certificates, strengthening collective security measures in Eurasia, strengthening cooperation between various economic associations of the Eurasian continent.

  The idea of renaming the Lisbon-Vladivostok Initiative into the Common Economic Space from Lisbon to Tokyo Initiative was also expressed.

Котенев 650.jpgAll discussions after the speeches and presentations were held in a highly professional, interested and friendly manner. The participants unanimously spoke in favor of continuing this form of communication and cooperation next year.
  Closing the plenary session, Vladimir Kotenev said: "We are united in the fact that there is no alternative to cooperation between states and regions in the Eurasian space and it has great potential for development. It is important that representatives of both Asia and Europe took part in the discussion today."

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