International Forum “Big Eurasia territory: risks and opportunities”

Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » International Forum “Big Eurasia territory: risks and opportunities”

International Forum “Big Eurasia territory: risks and opportunities”

егорThe Forum was held on March 15, 2017 and united more than 350 representatives of Russian companies, which work or are interested in cooperation within the markets of Asian-Pacific Region, Eurasian Economic Union and the European Union, including PJSC “Gazprom”, VTB Bank (PJSC), Vnesheconombank, MMC Norilsk Nickel, MC “METALLOINVEST” LLC, PJSC “NLMK”, RUSAL, JSC “SUEK”, OJSC Russian Railways, JSC “Sinara – Transport Machines”, Summa Group, Russian Direct Investment Fund and many other; Russian authorities, including Ministry for Economic Development of Russia, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Russia, Federal Customs Service of Russia, the Federation Council of Russia, the Duma, businessmen and heads of business unions, expert institutes and diplomatic missions of the countries of the Big Eurasia, including Austria, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, India, Indonesia, Spain, China, Mexico, Kazakhstan, Korea, the Philippines, the USA, Thailand, Finland, France, Chile and Japan; and also Russian researchers and experts from RANEPA, MGIMO, MSU, HSE and other structures.  The Head of the Russian Representative office of the Universal Commodity Exchange - Eurasian Cooperation Egor Ivankov also attended the Forum.