Introduction of subsidized financing mechanisms of cooperation projects within the EAEU

Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » Introduction of subsidized financing mechanisms of cooperation projects within the EAEU

Introduction of subsidized financing mechanisms of cooperation projects within the EAEU

The CCI of Russia held a videoconference for Chambers of Commerce and Industry on the topic: "Introduction of subsidized financing mechanisms of cooperation projects within the EAEU: Opportunities and Role of Chambers of Commerce and Industry System", which considered a number of issues related to promotion of subsidized project financing opportunities for Russian enterprises, the level of involvement of Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the implementation of projects by enterprises with EAEU partners. Heads and experts of more than 40 regional and municipal chambers of commerce and industry took part in the discussion. 

Opening the event, Dmitry Kurochkin, Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia, noted that the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry has done a lot of work to implement joint measures to support cooperation in the EAEU, initiated in June 2020. Proposals on priority measures to support demand for EAEU products in the package of anti-crisis proposals during the pandemic were sent by Sergey Katyrin, President of the CCI of Russia to Mikhail Mishustin, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. To date, at the initiative of the EEC, preparations are underway to submit the issue to the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council (EIC) with the prospect of a decision by the end of 2021 to agree on the EIC's instruction to ensure that the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) provides subsidized financing terms by compensating a portion of the interest rate from the EDB budget and (or) introducing changes to the EDB's regulatory documents that allow the Bank to subsidize the rate. 

Anastasia Astakhova, member of the Russian CCI Council for Industrial Development and Competitiveness of the Russian Economy, Deputy Chairman of the joint Working Group of the Russian CCI and the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade on industrial development and integration within the EAEU framework, made a report on the promotion of the Russian CCI initiative to introduce subsidized financing of cooperation projects within the EAEU and the tasks for the upcoming period, informing that the Council pays constant attention to the development of cooperative ties of industrial enterprises. 

Oleg Chernyshev, Chairman of the Moscow CCI Committee for Sustainable Development of the Real Sector of the Economy and Investment, Head of the Representative Office of the Financial and Business Association for Euro-Asian Cooperation in the Central Federal District of Russia, informed about the possibilities of the Association in terms of development of cooperation projects within the EAEU and their financial support, assistance in organizing cooperation between businessmen of Eurasian countries. 

Yuri Agafonov, President of the Tula Chamber of Commerce and Industry, pointed out the importance of the work conducted by the CCI of Russia to promote the implementation of cooperation and industrial projects within the EAEU and put forward a number of specific proposals to improve this area of work, which require further clarification. 

Closing the discussion the Vice-President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Dmitry Kurochkin noted that an important outcome of the videoconference was the discussion of the possibilities and role of the system of Chambers of Commerce and Industry in working with enterprises in the field of industrial cooperation development and implementation of cooperation projects with the use of subsidized financing mechanism. All voiced suggestions of the representatives of chambers of commerce and industry will be further elaborated and taken into account for further promotion through business associations of the EAEU countries.