IV International Business Forum “Moscow Business Dialogue Shanghai Cooperation Organization”

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » IV International Business Forum “Moscow Business Dialogue Shanghai Cooperation Organization”

IV International Business Forum “Moscow Business Dialogue Shanghai Cooperation Organization”

3 December 2014. Moscow hosted the IV International Business Forum “Moscow Business Dialogue Shanghai Cooperation Organization.” The Forum was attended by representatives of governments, the business community, scientific and expert organizations. Also, the forum was attended Vice-President of FBA CS Kanavskiy Sergey Executive Secretary of the SCO Business Council, President of the Business Club of the SCO, and General Director FBA CS Berezovoy Oleg.

В работе форума приняли участие Вице-президент ФБА СУШС, Исполнительный Секретарь Делового Совета ШОС, Президент Делового клуба ШОС Канавский Сергей Вадимович и Генеральный директор ФБА СУШС Березовой Олег Владимирович.

As a result  were developed proposals and recommendations to the next meeting of Heads of Government of SCO member countries, as well as the development of business communications, the development of mutual interest and expansion ofbusiness contacts between businessmen of the SCO.
The Forum program achieved a large meeting and a series of round tables in different areas of economic cooperation, including energy, transport, venture financing, medicine and pharmaceuticals, investment in construction, as well as the banking and financial sector.

The focus of the Forum were the issues of cooperation inthe implementation of national programs of economic development of SCO member states (Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, India, Iran, Pakistan, Mongolia, Afghanistan, Belarus, Turkey and Sri Lanka) . The Forum also discussed the issues of cooperation between the SCO and the Eurasian Economic Union and the BRICS.

This post is also available in Russian: IV Международный деловой форум «Московский бизнес-диалог ШОС»