Meeting in Baku

Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation


Meeting in Baku

On October 26, 2017 Baku (the Republic of Azerbaijan) welcomed the annual meeting of the International Coordinating Council of banking associations in CIS countries, CEE (International Banking Council). FBA EAC was represented by Oleg Berezovoy, General Director. Before the meeting the participants laid flowers to the eternal flame at the Alley of honor. The main topic of the Baku meeting was the institute of financial ombudsman on financial markets of IBC member-states. Leaders of banking associations and banking ombudsmen from Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Montenegro made presentations and gave speeches. Among the participants were Vakhid Akhmetov, delegate from Majlis of Azerbaijan, Fank Gurbanov from Ministry of Justice of Azerbaijan and Ibraghim Alyshov, Director of Financial Supervision Chamber of Azerbaijan. At the end of the meeting it was decided to publish the most interesting information in the next issue of Eurasian Financial and Economic HERALD. A.Murychev, Chairman of the International Banking Council reported on the results of the Council in 2014-2017 and the election of new management of the Council. A.Murychev was elected the Chairman for the next three years, his deputies were elected E.Korobkova (Ukraine), V.Dugalic (Serbia), Z.Nuriev (Azerbaijan), B.Baizeitov (Kazakhstan) and I.Lengyel (General Secretary of BACEE).

The neat meeting will take place in May 2018 in Montenegro. Its agenda was approved in Baku.



This post is also available in Russian: 26 октября 2017 заседание МБС в Баку