Meeting of the Coordination Council of the Financial and Banking Association of Euro-Asian cooperation

Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » Meeting of the Coordination Council of the Financial and Banking Association of Euro-Asian cooperation

Meeting of the Coordination Council of the Financial and Banking Association of Euro-Asian cooperation

May 18, 2016 in Moscow held an extended meeting of the Coordination Council of the Financial and Banking Association of Euro-Asian cooperation. The theme of the meeting: “The role and place of BAF EAC to develop and strengthen business cooperation in the framework of the EAEC.”

The following issues were discussed:

- Admission to the Association of new members;

- On Amendments to the governing bodies of the BAF EAC;

- About the Role and place of BAF EAC to develop and strengthen business cooperation in the framework of the EAEC;

- On approval of the concept of creating an international investment fund Euro-Asian cooperation of the countries;

- On the Regulation on the Register of members belonging to the FBA EAC;

- On the creation of Euro-Asian information and publishing center.

This post is also available in Russian: Расширенное заседание "Роль и место ФБА ЕАС в развитии и укреплении делового сотрудничества в рамках ЕАЭС"