Meeting with Korean delegation

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of Euro-Asian Cooperation

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » Meeting with Korean delegation

Meeting with Korean delegation

Meeting with Korean delegation

On September 26, 2019 FBA EAC Headquarters hosted a business meeting with a substantial delegation from the Republic of Korea. The scale of the discussion can be judged by the considerable list of participants.

The delegation of the Republic of Korea was headed by Mr. CHO Chang Sang – Vice-Head of Secretariat, The Presidential Committee on Northern Economic Cooperation. The delegation also included Mr. KIM Hae-Ki – Director, Economic Cooperation Team, The Presidential Committee on Northern Economic Cooperation, Mr. LEE Choong Han – Assistant Manager, Economic Cooperation Team, The Presidential Committee on Northern Economic Cooperation, Mr. KIM Kyouhyun, Ph.D. – Principal Researcher, Korea-Russia Innovation Center, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KRIC) and representatives of the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH).

The Russian delegation was headed by Viktor Cherepov Executive Vice-President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP)Anatoly Tkachuk Vice-President of FBA EAC, President of JSC “Russian Mineral Resources” – managing company of GC “RUSTITAN”, Member of the Board of RSPP and Oleg Berezovoy General Director of FBA EAC, Member of the Board of RSPP.

Viktor Cherepov opened the meeting. He extended a warm welcome to the Korean delegation and pointed out the long-term history of friendship and mutually advantageous cooperation between Russia and Korea stressing the importance of the Memorandum of cooperation between FBA EAC and KITECH and wishing the parties success in achieving their goals.

High interest in business-interaction from both sides was also confirmed in the speech of Anna Solovjeva Director of RSPP Center of bilateral cooperation and interaction with foreign business who stated that according to the poll among RSPP members 30% of Russian companies showed their commercial interest in cooperation with Korean companies.

The issues of multilateral interaction and the outlook of business partnership on the territory of the Far East were dwelled upon by Sergey Mikhnevich Director of RSPP Center of multilateral cooperation and Eurasian integration.

Speaking about big prospects of multilateral cooperation implied by the Memorandum between FBA EAC and KITECH Anatoly Tkachuk tackled the problems of a more systematic interaction of the parties in order to achieve more effective results.

In his speech FBA EAC General Director Oleg Berezovoy told about the work of the Association within the concluded Memorandum. A number of innovation projects were presented for the Korean delegation:

-       Valentin Karamzin General Director of AGROMASH LLC, DEA, Professor;

-       Anatoly Karamzin Chairman of the Council of “PRODMASH”, DEA;

-      Sergey Kanorsky Chief Engineer of “FIAN”, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences;

-       Alexander Dorogov Vice-President of Moscow Space Club;

-       Oleg Bogomolov General Director of Engineering company INTERBLOCK, DEA;

-      Tatyana Vasiljeva coordinator of the work group at the company Aspect;

Besides Oleg Berezovoy reminded the leaders of KRIC and KITECH about the upcoming Sixth Moscow International Financial and Economic Forum “The Eurasian Economic Union and the EU: search for new formats of cooperation” scheduled for November 22, 2019 in Moscow and spoke about the run-up work and the projects due for presentation at the break-out sessions of the Forum. 

The head of the delegation of the Republic of Korea Mr. CHO Chang Sang appreciated the warm welcome, the informative talk and also spoke about the nearest plans of the Korean party to enhance the cooperation with the Russian Federation and the EAEU countries. “The main aim for the visit of the Korean party is to raise the trade and economic cooperation at a totally new level”, said Mr. CHO Chang Sang. In his speech he stated the main cooperation areas such as medicine and healthcare, shipbuilding, sea-culture, innovation technologies, components production, etc. The head of the delegation also pointed out the importance of cooperation at the level of small and medium business of the countries. Besides Mr. CHO Chang Sang mentioned the idea to establish a Russian-Korean invest fund. In conclusion the head of the Korean delegation expressed confidence in successful business partnership between governmental as well as business structures. According to Mr. CHO Chang Sang a new impetus to cooperation will be given by the pending Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation. 

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The meeting lasted for three hours and was very informative.