New projects with the Group companies Ridge Capital Holding

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » New projects with the Group companies Ridge Capital Holding

New projects with the Group companies Ridge Capital Holding

29 April 2016. Berlin hosted a business meeting senior management of the Financial & Banking Association of Euro-Asian Cooperation (FBA EAC) with the Executive President of Ridge Capital Holding Mr. Jose Ferreira Ramos.

Ridge Capital Holding, (6 billion in assets. $) Operates in Angola, UAE, Hong Kong, China, Luxembourg and Portugal. Subsidiaries of the group work in the financial services, real estate, agriculture, aquaculture, industry and infrastructure construction.

In March 2016 Ridge Capital Holding has become a member of the Finance & Banking Association of Euro-Asian Cooperation (FBA EAC).

Chairman of Coordination Council FBA EAC, Executive Vice-President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Murychev Alexander, and General Director FBA EAC Berezovoy Oleg conducted with Mr. Jose Ferreira Ramos detailed conversation to continue long-term cooperation. There have also been reviewed and new and interesting projects.

Attended the meetingMember of the Coordinating Council of FBA EAC Kotenёv Vladimir - Russian Ambassador to the reserve (from 2004 to 2010gg -. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Federal Republic of Germany).

This post is also available in Russian: Новые проекты с Группой компаний Ridge Capital Holding