On May 28, 2021 meeting of the President of the FBA EAC Anatoly Tkachuk with the Vice Presidents and Chairmen of the FBA EAC

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » On May 28, 2021 meeting of the President of the FBA EAC Anatoly Tkachuk with the Vice Presidents and Chairmen of the FBA EAC

On May 28, 2021 meeting of the President of the FBA EAC Anatoly Tkachuk with the Vice Presidents and Chairmen of the FBA EAC

Ткачук.jpgOn May 28, 2021 at 11.00 a scheduled meeting of the President of the FBA EAC Anatoly Tkachuk with the Vice Presidents and Chairmen of the FBA EAC Committees took place in the videoconference format.
The meeting summed up the results of May, discussed the establishment of new committees, as well as interaction with the FBA EAC Representatives.
The President of the FBA EAC Anatoly Tkachuk welcomed the participants of the meeting. He noted the productivity of the committees in May and stressed the need to maintain such pace of work. Gennady Zubov, Chairman of the Committee on Ecology and Nature Management, also spoke on the topic, he said that the members of the committee managed to successfully hold the first round table and get a clearer idea of ​​which topics in the field of ecology are of primary importance for business.
Andrey Bespalov, Chairman of the Human Resources Technology and Qualification Committee, spoke about the work of the newly established committees. He noted that the committee prepares regulatory documents, actively recruits members, is ready for productive work and plans to hold its first round table in June. In addition, Andrei Bespalov stressed that the committee has already begun work on its first project.
Vladimir Kondratenko, Chairman of the Committee for International Scientific and Technical Cooperation, also spoke at the meeting. He spoke about the work plan of the committee and the upcoming projects in the field of medicine and industrial production.
Philippe Delmotte, Chairman of the Finance and Investment Committee, also reported on the work of his structure. He stressed that the committee is actively working with the International Fund for Technological Development and plans joint projects to attract European technologies to Russia. It is also planned to hold the first round table in June, where the committee, its capabilities and directions of activity will be presented.
Oleg Berezovoy, General Director of FBA EAC, spoke on the organization and holding of the VIII Moscow International Financial and Economic Forum. He said that at the first meeting of the Forum Organizing Committee the topics of panel sessions, the list of potential participants, speakers and moderators were determined. He also stressed the importance of attracting high-level participants to the Forum.
The meeting was held in a constructive and businesslike manner.

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