Recap of the webinar Doing Business in RUSSIA! With our Asian partners.

Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » Recap of the webinar Doing Business in RUSSIA! With our Asian partners.

Recap of the webinar Doing Business in RUSSIA! With our Asian partners.


Recap of the webinar Doing Business in RUSSIA! With our Asian partners.
  *Partnership : Why They Matter?*
  We discussed topics of ​​cooperation between entrepreneurs, investors and startups from Malaysia, China and Russia. About accelerators in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia and Moscow, Russia about business missions, matching and entering joint ventures (IJV).
*Topic Covered:*
  1. State support in the Russian Federation, the possibility of registering a company. About the complexities and realities.
  2. Russian-speaking investment community and international forums which were already organized by Russian side (FBA EAC Moscow Financial and Economic Forum) and brought a lot of interest from the investors and startups.
  3. Issues and approaches of cultural nuances of doing business in Russia.
  4. Important things for Entrepreneurs to consider, when deciding to develop in foreign markets.
  Discussed some cultural differences:
  Offline vs online mentality - offline can make decisions weekly (slowly way with multi level approval process). Online - don’t have this time, all decisions should be done within a day maximum.
In Russia people too direct with feedback vs Malaysian and Asian at whole prefer Asian style of hints. FOR EXAMPLE: “you should consider this....” or “you better think about....” meaning don’t do it or do it. Russian would not understand this. Need saying directly. As Russian partner could think you are not clear to them and hiding something. In the other hand, when Russian behave their way - it could hurt Asian partner.
Malaysian- become friends first. Russian - do business, and become friends later depends on the cooperation results and mutual interests.
As Financial and Banking Association of the Organization of EuroAsian Cooperation we provide Support to foreign companies and investors in order to provide better experience in doing business on the EuroAsian market, we help foreign companies to check their potential partners and clients for reliability via our due diligence channels. For example, If their prospect customers could be trusted, if those are a well established companies or just a 1-day “cheaters”. Also we are helping to get distributors contacts or decision maker contacts and if necessary can help conduct a market research via our AI tools.
2.jpg  Speakers 
  -Evgeny Bazhov 
  Financial and Banking Association Representative in China, Malaysia and Singapore, Investor, Speaker, business coach for the leaders of Fortune 500 companies (ACC ICF), Executive MBA in business management, author of 3 books on the topic of doing business in China.
   - Elena Golikova 
  Vice-president of the Printing Pioneer Fund, strategic development consultant and executive coach.
    Moderator: Dato George Lim Founder and CEO of G&A Group.