Strengthening the ties with the French business

Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » Strengthening the ties with the French business

Strengthening the ties with the French business

On September 5, 2019 the FBA EAC headquarters hosted the meeting between the Chairman of FBA EAC Coordinating Council Alexander Murychev and the President of the Parliamentary Friendship Group with Central Asia in the Senate of France  Ives Pozzo Di Borgo.

The meeting also involved FBA EAC Executive Director Svetlana Orlova, FBA EAC Lead Legal Counsel Ksenia Tereshenko, Assistant to the President of the Parliamentary Friendship Group with Central Asia in the Senate of France  Diana Radjib and the Head of FBA EAC Representative office in France Jerome Clausen.

The parties exchanged their opinions about the progress of the implementation of previous agreements. The French delegation was positive regarding the results and highly appreciated FBA EAC for the development of business projects.

As for the future cooperation the parties are determined that the forthcoming Sixth Moscow International Financial and Economic Forum “The Eurasian Economic Union and the EU: search for new formats of cooperation” will give impetus to mutual projects and will definitely develop Russian-French economic relations.                                           

The Sixth Moscow International Forum will be held on November 22, 2019 and will include a session “France – EAEU: prospects of investment cooperation”. The Forum invites small and medium companies willing to develop their business on the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union.

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