The Bank of Russia: crypto-currencies will not expand soon.

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» » The Bank of Russia: crypto-currencies will not expand soon.

The Bank of Russia: crypto-currencies will not expand soon.

  The regulator is prepared to address crypto-currencies, but they won’t become a mass payment instrument in the nearest future. This opinion was expressed by the Deputy Head of Banking Supervision Department of the Bank of Russia Alexey Lobanov during the conference “Today and tomorrow of the Russian banking sector”.“Regarding crypto-currencies – the question should be addressed to the regulator, but as for now I could only express my own opinion. Like any revolutionary processes they won’t expand fast. The main interest today is not the crypto-currency itself, but the competition between different types of crypto-currencies”, - said Lobanov.  He said that today the technological base of crypto-currencies is of interest – the blockchain and its implementation for banking processes.

This post is also available in Russian: ЦБ РФ: криптовалюты не скоро получат широкое распространение