The competition of financial market professionals FinSkills

Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » The competition of financial market professionals FinSkills

The competition of financial market professionals FinSkills

In June, 2018 there was the first school stage of the competition “Future Financier” as part of the All-Russian contest of professional skills in financial market. This stage was for 2-11 grades of Moscow public schools and comprised more than 1500 participants.

On September 15, 2018 in Moscow the rewarding ceremony was held for finalists and prize winners of the school stage of the All-Russian contest of professional skills in financial market FinSkills “Future Financier 8+”. The event took place within the “Business Saturday for school children” organized by the Department of competition policy of the city of Moscow.

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FBA EAC was one of the main sponsors of the event. Svetlana Orlova, Executive Director of FBA EAC granted the prizes to the finalists. The contest focuses on the promotion of modern financial professions among school children, and on the development of fundamental financial literacy and youth entrepreneurship.