The first meeting of the RSPP Committee on Financial Policy

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » The first meeting of the RSPP Committee on Financial Policy

The first meeting of the RSPP Committee on Financial Policy


On July 1, 2022, the first meeting of the RSPP Committee on Financial Policy took place in the RSPP building. The participants discussed the topic "Key directions of the sovereignization of the Russian financial system".
Participants discussed the following issues within the framework of the proposed topic:
· assessment of the depth and nature of changes in the financial system of Russia and the world in the current conditions;
· the place and role of the Russian financial system in the global and regional financial systems;
· forecasts of the development of the situation for the Russian financial sector;
· key conditions and tools for the functioning of the banking, financial, insurance and audit sectors of Russia in the current conditions and in the future;
· sources and instruments of sovereign funding of the Russian economy;
· sovereignization of instruments and settlement mechanisms of Russian companies;
· key instruments of technological support for the sovereignization of the Russian financial system.
The Chairman of the RSPP Committee on Financial Policy, President-Chairman of the Management Board of VTB Bank (PJSC) Andrey Kostin chaired the meeting. 
Representatives of federal legislative and executive authorities and the Bank of Russia were invited to participate in the meeting of the Committee.
The speakers of the meeting were Alexander Murychev, Chairman of the Board of the FBA EAC, Vice President of the RSPP; Igor Yurgens, President of the VSS; Igor Kozyrev, Chairman of the Board of the SRO of Auditors of the Association "Sodruzhestvo"; Ivan Chebeskov, Director of the Financial Policy Department of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, etc.
БерезовойОМ.jpgThe Association’s General director Oleg Berezovoy, a permanent member of the RSPP Committee on Financial Policy, represented FBA EAC at the event.