The General Meeting of FBA CS

Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » The General Meeting of FBA CS

The General Meeting of FBA CS

February 26, 2016 in Moscow, a general meeting of members of the Financial and banking Association of countries-members of Cooperation of Shanghai. Meeting was opened by President of Financial and Banking Association of countries-members of the Cooperation of Shanghai Baiseitov Bakhytbek (Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC Bank CenterCredit Kazakhstan, President of Kazakhstan Banks Association).
Speakers with reports were Chairman of Coordination Council FBA CS Murychev Alexander (Executive Vice-President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs) and General Director of Financial and banking Association of countries-members of Cooperation of Shanghai Berezovoy Oleg, as well as Chairman of the Audit Committee Topornin Konstantin.

During the discussion of the content of the reports, theFBA CS, it was noted that in the current difficult financial and economic situation, FBA CS continues to develop dynamically, expanding its sphere of influence in Eurasia. Also, the general meeting stated that the strategy of FBA CS development which were developed and approved in 2013 for the period up to 2016 has been fully implemented.

Leaders of FBA CS confirmed its commitment to the primary goal of the Association – the implementation of its Members’ needs in the organization of favorable conditions for their effective activity on the territory of Eurasia. Sphere of FBA CS interests are still small and medium enterprises, commercial banks, private equity, public-private partnership.

After the analysis of management reports of FBA CS, the General Meeting participants concluded that given the composition of the participants of the Association members, as well as taking into account the geography of cooperation of the Association, it is clear that FBA CS activity today beyond of the territorial scope of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Therefore, the General Meeting approved the renaming of FBA CS in the Financial and Banking Association of Euro-Asian Cooperation.

General Director of Financial and banking Association of countries-members of Cooperation of Shanghai (FBA CS) Berezovoy Oleg entrusted as soon as possible to organize events on preparation and renaming of FBA CS procedures in Financial and Banking Association of Euro-Asian Cooperation. A full list of the documents adopted by the General Meeting will be published after the processing of all the proposals received from members of the Association.

Also, summing up the activities of the past year, the diplomas for the great contribution to the international financial and banking activities were awarded to:

- Financial institutions’ Association of Kazakhstan;


- Colibris Consulting Club;

- Eurasian Center of Human Resources;

- The open Joint-Stock Commercial Bank Hamkorbank;


Полный пакет документов по итогам Общего собрания будет размещён на сайте до 18 марта 2016г.

This post is also available in Russian: Общее собрание ФБА СУШС