The investment project "Flax - growing, primary processing and production"

Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » The investment project "Flax - growing, primary processing and production"

The investment project "Flax - growing, primary processing and production"

This is a cultivation project for 12 thousand hectares  according to a four-field crop rotation system (sowing flax on 3 thousand hectares in the first year, alternating in the remaining areas with other crops that further increase the yield of flax), its primary processing and production of flax fiber;  construction of a plant with two processing lines, production areas for used agricultural machinery, warehouses for raw flax and finished products in the Baryatinsky district of the Kaluga region, where  flax was historically grown.  Investment required in the project - 1.1 billion rubles  with a payback period of 7 years.  The development of this project for implementation began in 2016, and now it is in a high degree of readiness for launching this fall and receiving flax fiber at the end of next 2021 at the beginning of 2022.