Through summits Bashkiria feel a burst of energy

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » Through summits Bashkiria feel a burst of energy

Through summits Bashkiria feel a burst of energy

Вице-президент ФБА СУШС Канавский Сергей Вадимович
Вице-президент ФБА СУШС Канавский Сергей Вадимович

In preparation for the international summit in Ufa with a working visit, the Executive Secretary of the SCO Business Council Sergey Kanavsky. SCO Business Council was established to promote effective cooperation in the field of trade and economic, credit and financial, scientific, technical, transportation, telecommunications and other relations. The main objective is to provide a body of business participation in projects. - Sergey V., what activities are currently relevant in the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and the role of the Business Council in implementing them? - The economic component of the SCO activity develops in two directions. The first - a partnership of government agencies. For example, last year in the field of transport signed an international agreement relating to highways. These days in Ufa held a meeting of transport ministers of the SCO member states, which will decide on the projects, in particular the "China - Western Europe". The second area - a business partnership. For example, the cooperation in the spheres of energy, agriculture, health, transport infrastructure development. The task of the Business Council - to find enterprising entrepreneurs, companies that would be willing to help the government agencies themselves can initiate new directions. At the moment, the Business Council were initiated by the University of the SCO cooperation in the field of Health (creation of a new system of health care institutions), development of transit potential. So, Novouralsk opened the first phase of a multi-modal transport and logistics sector. The agreement was signed between the Chinese company, Chelyabinsk mechanical plant and the domestic company-investor. Transport and logistics facility allows cargo from China to optimize the handling of goods, reduce product delivery time. Such complexes can be created in all the states of the SCO. The Business Council is working on the creation of areas of high-tech projects. We have a rule - we do not take government money. We move the cooperation of private capital. For example, in Ufa, a specialized investment fund, and the first site appeared in Ufa and Moscow. We have initiated the creation of clusters of engineering structures and electronic trading platforms. Supports the development of tourism - is the idea of ​​creating the Association of Tour Operators and agencies in the SCO. And another important point - all the projects implemented as part of the Business Council, should have a social burdens.  

— What areas are today the most attracted the business community?
- Of course, this infrastructure projects, the creation of transport and logistics systems that may appear around the economic zone of the Silk Road (about its creation said the Chinese government). Very interesting for business e-commerce, creation of databases, ensuring their activities. In this regard, it is noteworthy that in Ufa created information portal - a platform, which presents investment opportunities and needs of your region. The next area - is the creation of health clinics on the basis of so-called alternative medicine. Within the framework of the SCO will be built the system with Chinese, Indian, Tajik, Kyrgyz, Kazakh centers and specialists practicing alternative methods of diagnostics and regenerative medicine. This system will be launched Russian network of sanatoriums and resorts. Also in the field of public health worthy introduction of high-tech systems. In Kazan realized an interesting project - with an electronic gadget removed data on the state of human health, are automatically sent to the medical centers. These indications are diagnosed, makes the appropriate destination. The project has been launched in Tatarstan, we aim to extend the experience in the countries of the SCO.

- What are the prospects for economic cooperation in our region within the framework of SCO?
- Now Bashkiria has done a lot to get preferences to represent their interests, their activities - that regional cooperation and the creation of specialized funds, development of transit and transport potential, there are backlogs relating to energy. Question - how intensely focused work will be done in the future. Ability to get there contacts, understanding of programs, initiatives - now it's the leadership of the republic and the business community. I believe the potential of the republic is huge. There at the summit attention to the region. At the same time, the region should not be taken as the only center focusing all efforts need to be attentive to the needs of their neighbors. Understand that in unity is our strength.

- How will the summits in Ufa on the economy of the region?
- The head of the government of Bashkiria its active position could create a huge potential for the implementation of specific programs in the future. Vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce Azat Fazlyev actively supports the implementation of projects and attract attention to the summits is to Bashkiria. The country set up an investment fund, have come to understand how to act information portal, there are many specific proposals, with the support of the government. There is a project implementation of high-tech products, which entails the creation of joint ventures. There is a project of development of transport and logistics component - a specific point on the map of Bashkiria. There is a program of regional cooperation in the field of petrochemicals, which is sure to bear fruit. All these directions in the event of successful implementation of Bashkiria will bring instant benefits.

- Have you been to Ufa.
How has the city during the preparations for the summit?
- Eighteen months ago, I had the opportunity to get acquainted with the infrastructure of the city. And what I see now - is the earth and the sky. Created by a very nice hotel fund, and it will evolve. Fixed road. Opens International Airport. Did a tremendous job, and from the perspective of. Not to show or build Potemkin village, but in order to use it later to the maximum benefit for the country. The city has an opportunity for major international events. And most importantly

- The created system with the introduction of initiatives and projects in Bashkiria all the SCO countries.
The republic's leadership and the business community were immediately set out to make the most to create the infrastructure for future activities. Does not lead to abandonment, namely saturate new activities. I am sure that Bashkortostan, Ufa feel a new surge of energy and strength after the summits.