Twenty-first Extended Integration Council Meeting

Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » Twenty-first Extended Integration Council Meeting

Twenty-first Extended Integration Council Meeting

On 20 October, 2020 the Twenty-first Enlarged Meeting of the RUIE Integration Council for Cooperation with EEC was held. The meeting was held via video conference. The session was moderated by Alexander Murychev, Chairman of the RUIE Integration Council for Cooperation with EEC, Executive Vice-President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and Chairman of the Board of the FBA EAC.
The participants of the Meeting have consistently considered the issues:
1. Strategic tasks and priorities of the EAEC Business Council.
1.1. On introducing amendments to the Agreement on the EAEC Business Council.
Reporter - Executive Secretary of the EAEC Business Council S.A. Naumov.
1.2. On increasing the information and expert presence of the EAEC Business Council and its members in the processes of the Eurasian economic integration.
Speakers - S.A. Naumov, Executive Secretary of the EAEC Business Council; S.V. Mikhnevich, Director of the Centre for Multilateral Cooperation and Eurasian Integration RSPP.
1.3. On progress in finalizing the draft Strategic Directions for the Development of the Eurasian Economic Integration until 2025.
Speaker - S.A. Naumov, Executive Secretary of the EAEC DC.
1.4. On development of the Eurasian economic cooperation in the third countries markets.
Speakers - S.A. Naumov, Executive Secretary of the EAEC DC; S.V. Mikhnevich, Director of the Centre for Multilateral Cooperation and Eurasian Integration of the RSPP.
2. On limitations and opportunities for development of the Eurasian economic cooperation
Speaker - S.V. Mikhnevich, Director of the RSPP Centre for Multilateral Cooperation and Eurasian Integration.
Speeches by members of the RSPP Integration Council.
3. On preparation of the RUIE draft practical handbook on cooperation in the Eurasian Economic Community and contribution of the RUIE Integration Council to its publication.
Speaker - S.V. Mikhnevich, Director of the RSPP Centre for Multilateral Cooperation and Eurasian Integration.
4. On establishment of an interstate system of financial settlements.
Speakers - V.S.Petrov, Deputy Director General of ARSENAL Insurance Company LLC, Member of the Supervisory Board of VTB Bank (PAO), member of the subcommittee on financial and banking activities of the RUIE Committee on International Cooperation, member of the RUIE Integration Council for Cooperation with EEC;
- A.Y. Mikhailishin, General Director of Digital Payments LLC, General Director of Dynect Eurasia JSC, member of the RUIE's Sub-Commission on Payment and Settlement Systems and Technologies, member of the BRICS Business Council Financial Services Working Group .
Alexander Murychev, Chairman of the RUIE Integration Council for Cooperation with EEC, Executive Vice President of RUIE, Chairman of the Board of the EAS FBA, in his speech proposed to support the initiative of the FBA EAC in promoting the BRICS PAY project (Project Manager Oleg Preksin).