VIII International economic summit of Russia and member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » VIII International economic summit of Russia and member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

VIII International economic summit of Russia and member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

19 – May 21, 2016 in Kazan was the eighth World Economic Summit: “Russia-Islamic World: KAZANSUMMIT 2016“. General Director Financial & Banking Association of Euro-Asian Cooperation (FBA EAC) Oleg Berezovoy made a presentation for the participants of the summit.

KazanSummit – the main area of ​​economic cooperation of the Russian Federation and the countries of the Islamic world. For the first time the International Economic Summit of Russia and member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) was held in 2009, creating the leading international platform for the discussion of issues of cooperation and implementation of joint projects. Annual International Economic Summit of Russia and OIC member countries is supported by the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan. In 2015, to partners joined KazanSummit Association of Regional Investment Agency.

A key theme of the 2016 Summit was to discuss the new architecture of the world economy and prospects of development of the financial industry of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in the Russian regions in the context of international economic relations. The Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan in the new open potential interaction with the Islamic and Arab world.

In KazanSummit 2016 participated 1556 representatives of international organizations, public authorities, various financial institutions and banks, embassies of 14 countries, members of foreign parliaments, as well as investors and businessmen from 51 countries.

This post is also available in Russian: VIII Международный экономический саммит России и стран ОИС