Working meeting with the head of the Representative Office in Italy

Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » Working meeting with the head of the Representative Office in Italy

Working meeting with the head of the Representative Office in Italy


On November 19, 2021, a working meeting of the General Director of the FBA EAC Oleg Berezovoy and Andrea Boldi, the head of the Representative Office in Italy and the owner of NEMESI SRL, took place at the headquarters of the FBA EAC. The parties discussed a wide range of issues.
Mr. Boldi informed the Mr. Berezovoy about the work of the Representative Office, the situation on the European precious metals market, and informed about the registration in Italy, on his initiative, of the Levoro precious metals Bank and the Italian Gold Bank (IGB), which in the future plan to become members of the FBA EAC.
 Oleg Berezovoy told Andrea Boldi about the upcoming events planned by the FBA EAC, in particular, about preparations for the general meeting of the Association's members.
The parties outlined a work plan for 2022. Among the upcoming events held by the Representative Office in Italy is an international conference on the state of the precious metals market, which will be held in April-May 2022, as well as an exhibition of jewelry manufacturers, which is scheduled to be held in July-August 2022 in the Italian city of Rimini with an invitation to the opening of the President of the country.
The meeting was held in a businesslike and friendly atmosphere. The participants of the negotiations once again stressed the need to continue fruitful mutually beneficial cooperation.