XVII all-Russia banking conference “Banking system 2015: new challenges and solutions”

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » XVII all-Russia banking conference “Banking system 2015: new challenges and solutions”

XVII all-Russia banking conference “Banking system 2015: new challenges and solutions”

20 March 2015 in Moscow, President Hotel Association of regional banks of Russia organized and hosted the XVII all-Russia banking conference “Banking system 2015: new challenges and solutions”. To participate in the conference invited representatives of the Government, the Federal authorities of the Russian Federation, heads of the Bank of Russia, members of the Russian Parliament, as well as experts from international financial organizations.

RSPP proposed to the government to freeze about 60 tax initiatives that restrict the conduct of business. The Executive Vice-President RSPP, Chairman of the Council of the Association of Regional Banks of Russia, Chairman of the coordination Council of the FBA CS Alexander Murychev said at the XVII all-Russia banking conference. In his speech Alexander Murychev has analyzed the state of the economy from the point of view of business and spoke about the RSPP proposals aimed at minimizing the damage from the crisis. First RSPP proposes to create a program of interaction between Bank of Russia and the government’s anti-crisis measures. “In our view, the Central Bank should follow the reduction of inflation and to lower the rate, and the government should deal with tariffs and to address the issues of investment attractiveness”, — said Alexander Murychev. RSPP stated it supports the backbone of regional banks, developing criteria for participation regional credit organizations in the capitalization program through Federal loan bonds. The capital of the banks should be not less than half a billion rubles, they must have the infrastructure, the support of local authorities and, according to the Central Bank, to be in the 1-2 category secure. Final criteria for participation in the program must develop the Bank of Russia.

The conference participants discussed a wide range of issues and challenges related to vital issues of the banking business and further development of the credit market in Russia. Special attention was paid to the new challenges in the face of economic sanctions and financial instability, problems of supervision, regulation and financial stability of the banks, current issues of liquidity management, asset and risk management.

During the discussions, participants exchanged views on the current situation prevailing in the banking sector of the Russian Federation, about possible variants of development of events in the financial markets, about the most effective models and mechanisms to optimize banking.
The participants and guests of the conference were offered an exclusive analytical materials based on the results of a survey of banks.

Participants of the conference from left to right:

Marat Baitokov  - First Vice-President of the Association of Banks of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Topornin Konstantin - General Director of the “Financial Corporation International Congress of industrialists and entrepreneurs “;
Berezovoy Oleg – General Director FBA CS;

Bespalov Andrey  - Chairman of the Coordination Council of the Eurasian Center of Human Resource Management;
Alexander Gorshkov - General Director of the Eurasian International Consulting Center.

This post is also available in Russian: XVII Всероссийская банковская конференция «Банковская система 2015: новые вызовы и решения»