Financial and banking Association of countries-members of Cooperation of Shanghai became a member of the International Banking Council

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» » Financial and banking Association of countries-members of Cooperation of Shanghai became a member of the International Banking Council

Financial and banking Association of countries-members of Cooperation of Shanghai became a member of the International Banking Council

In St. Petersburg, at the invitation of the Association of Regional Banks of Russia and with the support of JSC “Bank” Saint-Petersburg “held a public meeting of the International Coordination Council of Banking Associations in the CIS, Central and Eastern Europe (International Banking Council, MBS).
During the meeting, held under the chairmanship of the President of the International Banking Council, the President of the Association “Russia” A. Murychev members MBS and invited guests considered as the main issue of “Current trends and expected development prospects of the national banking sector.” An exchange of views on the work of credit institutions of the States represented at the meeting, in a difficult economic situation.

At the meeting a decision was made for membership in the International Banking Council of the Union of Armenian Banks and Financial and banking Association of countries-members of Cooperation of Shanghai. In attendance were members and MBS and heads of banking associations and unions participating in the MBS, representing the Association of Belarusian Banks, Banking Association for Central and Eastern Europe (BACEE), the Association of Regional Banks of Russia, the Association of Serbian Banks, the Association of Banks of Tajikistan, regardless Association of Ukrainian Banks, the Union of Banks of Armenia, Association of Polish Banks, Financial and banking associations of the participating countries of the Shanghai Cooperation and the Representation of MBS in Prague. Analytical materials for the meeting and the proposed agenda sent to the Association of Banks of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Union of Banks of Kyrgyzstan, Moldova League Bankers Association of Banks of Uzbekistan. The meeting was also attended by MBS and were leaders and representatives of the Bank of Russia, the Eurasian Economic Commission, Finance and Banking Council of CIS, the Association of Banks of North-West, the Agency “VEP”.
Prepared and will be published collection of analytical materials of the International Banking Council on the issue. During the meeting, both sides signed a Memorandum on Partnership and Cooperation between the Union of Banks of Armenia and the Independent Association of Ukrainian Banks. At the suggestion of BACEE next meeting of the International Banking Council scheduled to be held in October 2015 in Budapest

Information about the formation of the International Banking Council. (MBS), the third of September 2004 in Sochi, during the II International Banking Forum “Banks of Russia – XXI century” held a meeting of leaders and representatives of banking associations of CIS, Central and Eastern Europe to establish an international association of banking associations. Association of Belarusian Banks, the Association of Banks of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Association of Banks of Kyrgyzstan, Association of Regional Banks of Russia and the Banking Association for Central and Eastern Europe, in order to coordinate the efforts of the banking associations in more efficient use of opportunities for banks in interstate economic cooperation created the International Coordination Council of Banking Associations of the Commonwealth Independent States and Central and Eastern Europe (International Banking Council) and approved by the appropriate provision for the establishment of the Council. Council membership is open to him banking associations of all countries interested in cooperation. Meetings of the International Banking Council meets, as a rule, at least once a year, alternately in one of the states – members of the Council. Since its founding to the present time to MBS banking associations also joined Azerbaijan, Georgia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and Moldova, so now in the International Banking Council includes 13 banking associations. The decision of the International Banking Council of 30 October 2014 Chairman of the Board for a three year period, re AV Murychev. Vice-Chairman of the MBS elected BR Baiseitov (Kazakhstan), I.Lendel (BACEE) GP Kuhorenko (Belarus), GI Olifer (Ukraine).

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