From calculations of the EEU countries can exclude dollars and euros.

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » From calculations of the EEU countries can exclude dollars and euros.

From calculations of the EEU countries can exclude dollars and euros.

Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Armenia, members of the Eurasian economic Union can proceed in mutual settlements in the national currency – RUB, BYR, tenge, AMD. Chairman of CoordinationCouncil FBA CS , Vice President of RUIE, Alexander Murychev gave an interview to Izvestia on this topic.
It is about creating a total payment space countries of the Union, which will allow you to conduct transactions through the national card system. The proposal contained in the draft concept of development of payment systems in the EEU, presented on November 28 meeting in Kazan. In parallel, the paper proposes to abandon the dollar and Euro in mutual settlements on the territory of the EEU.
As noted Murychev, now about half payment turnover between the countries is going to have on foreign currency – the US dollar and the Euro, which increases the dependence of the Union on their respective economies. In rubles is 50 % of all payments Union.
The Treaty on establishing the EEU was signed on may 29, 2014, as a continuation of the development of the Customs Union. The document will come into force on 1 January 2015, According to the Eurasian economic Commission, in 2013 the total turnover between members of the Customs Union amounted to $64,1 billion.

This post is also available in Russian: Из расчётов стран ЕАЭС могут исключить доллары и евро