March 19, 2015 in the framework of Russian business Week was held the Congress of the RSPP

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Financial & Business Association
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» » March 19, 2015 in the framework of Russian business Week was held the Congress of the RSPP

March 19, 2015 in the framework of Russian business Week was held the Congress of the RSPP

19 марта 2015 года в рамках Недели российского бизнеса состоялся Съезд РСПП.

March 19, 2015 in the framework of Russian business Week was held the Congress of the RSPP. In its work took part the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, members of the Government of the Russian Federation, heads of leading Russian companies, heads of subjects of the Russian Federation, representatives of foreign business community. The event was opened by the President RSPP Alexander Shokhin. He gave a report on the state of the business climate in Russia, told about the promising directions of cooperation between business and government. “Last year at the Congress of RSPP discussed the new risks and challenges for the Russian economy, the majority of which was realized in full. The crisis has been deeper than the previous one. The first signs of an economic slowdown were recorded in 2012, so the reasons for the crisis are primarily internal, structural, and external calls only exacerbated the situation”, — said the President of RSPP. He paid attention to the most acute problems of the economy and suggested ways of resolving them. In particular, outlined measures to increase the availability of loan funds, reduce administrative barriers, easing the fiscal burden, elaborated on the issue of qualified personnel.

In the plenary session of the Congress was attended by President of Russia Vladimir Putin. In particular, he announced the expansion of freedoms for business. “The further expansion of freedoms for business are the best response to all external challenges and limitations. So we certainly will continue to create the most favorable conditions for all who are willing to invest in the domestic economy and industry, in the development of technology and modern work places”, — said Putin.

The President elaborated on the draft law on Amnesty of capital and assured the participants that everything will be done to ensure that law enforcement agencies do not interpret the law in a favorable direction and that the refund process was the most burdensome from an economic point of view. However, he warned business that can be attempted, preventing the return of capital to Russia from abroad. “The situation is this: there is some disturbing information from some countries that we have the impression that there may be attempts to prevent the return of capital to Russia. And this may be due to the restriction of the use of these capitals, which are located in foreign jurisdictions,” said the head of state. At the end of the plenary session, Vladimir Putin met with members of the Board of RSPP.

General Director of FBA CS Berezovoy Oleg took part in the Congress of the RSPP as a guest.

This post is also available in Russian: Съезд РСПП 2015 год