The Shanghai Cooperation Organization Business-Forum

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » The Shanghai Cooperation Organization Business-Forum

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization Business-Forum

Генеральный директор ФБА СУШС Березовой О.В. в составе президиума

10 September 2014 in Dushanbe, Republic Tajikistan SCO Business-Forum and SCO Business council session were held before opening of SCO member-states heads summit. FBA CS was represented by FBA CS Vice-president and Executive Secretary of SCO Business Council – Sergey Kanavskiy and FBA CS General Director – Oleg Berezovoy.

The Forum goal was development of regional economic cooperation, strengthening of coordination between SCO member-states and also development of trade relations and activization of investment cooperation.

350 representatives of business groups and entrepreneurs from Kazakhstan, China, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and also from SCO countries-observers and dialogue-partners – Mongolia, India, Turkey attended the forum.

The greeting words were made by Tajikistan Prime-minister Kohira Rasulzoda who mentioned that SCO member-states make big efforts in stimulation and development of cooperation in economic, trade, investment, transport, telecommunication, energy, agriculture, science and technics, culture and other spheres.

SCO General Secretary – Dmitry Mezencev in his speech noted that at the present day we have all possibilities to implement big varieties of multilateral projects in the frames of trade and economic cooperation which could really influence on life standards and prosperity growth of SCO citizens.

In the Forum frames were held several sections bringing up questions regarding cooperation in financial sphere, industry and new technologies, energy and security of SCO member-states energy supply, agriculture development, tourism, means of communications.

In the “Financial organizations role on the SCO territory” section FBA CS General Director Oleg Berezovoy in details said about search of financial provision mechanisms for the projects on the SCO territory. By his speech results it was recommended to include in SCO Business-Forum Decision a proposal to make FBA CS a base organization for interbank cooperation on the SCO territory.

Events’ organizer and participants noted that they managed to reach main Business-Forum goals – strengthening of business cooperation, search for new partners, important issues and prospective development lines discussions, consolidation of SCO business community professional potential to develop proposals and recommendations for the upcoming SCO member-states heads meeting.

Вице-президент ФБА СУШС Канавский С.В. (второй справа) среди участников заседания правления ДС ШОС

Как отметили организаторы и участники мероприятий, основная цель проведения Бизнес-Форума, такая как укрепление делового сотрудничества, поиск новых партнёров, обсуждение актуальных вопросов и перспективных направлений деятельности, консолидация профессионального потенциала делового сообщества ШОС для выработки предложений и рекомендаций к предстоящей встрече глав государств-членов ШОС была достигнута.

This post is also available in Russian: Бизнес-Форум Шанхайской Организации Сотрудничества