VII Vienna Financial & Economic Forum of CIS and Eastern Europe

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » VII Vienna Financial & Economic Forum of CIS and Eastern Europe

VII Vienna Financial & Economic Forum of CIS and Eastern Europe

28-30 April 2014 in Vienna, capital of Austria, VII Vienna Financial & Economic Forum of CIS and Eastern Europe countries was held. The Forumattended and spoke Extraordinary and Authorized Ambassadorof the Russian Federation in Austria, Regional Director of Austrian Federal Economic Chamber for Central and Eastern Europe, leaders and representatives of the Eurasian Economic Commission, leading banks of Europe and CIS. FBA CS was represented by Vice-President S. Kanavskiy and General Director O. Berezovoy.

Discussed at the Forum topics concerned specifics of the CIS and EU financial markets interaction in terms of political turbulence, were discussed basic problems of stock markets integration, as well as issues of combined investment space formation.

During the Forum a cooperation agreement between Financial and Banking Association of countries-members of the Cooperation of Shanghai (FBA CS) and Banking Association for Central and Eastern Europe (BACEE) was signed. The parties expressed confidence in the development of long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation.

This post is also available in Russian: VII Венский финансово-экономический форум стран СНГ и Восточной Европы