XIII International Banking Forum “Banks of Russia – XXI century”

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Financial & Business Association
of Euro-Asian Cooperation

» » XIII International Banking Forum “Banks of Russia – XXI century”

XIII International Banking Forum “Banks of Russia – XXI century”

The Bank of Russia extends incentives for credit institutions. At the same time, almost 150 banks are in the zone in a special control. Bankers and Central Bank agree on the necessity of transition of the financial market in a virtual environment, the most profitable channel for transactions through a computer network, but it is constrained by a number of objective reasons. These and other issues were discussed at the XIII International Banking Forum “Banks of Russia – XXI century”, organized by the Association of Regional Banks of Russia.
XIII International Banking Forum “Banks of Russia – XXI century” was held from 2 to 5 September in Sochi with the support of the Bank of Russia, the Krasnodar Territory, the world Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The forum brought together more than 500 participants, his work has been covered by more than 50 media.

Among the speakers of the forum:

- First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia Sergei Shvetsov,
- Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia Mikhail Sukhov,
- Director of Financial Policy Department of the Ministry of Finance of Russia Sergey Barsukov,
- Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, the President of the Association of Regional Banks of Russia Anatoly Aksakov,
- Executive Vice President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Chairman of the Association of Regional Banks of Russia Alexander Murychev,
- Deputy Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service Kashevarov,
- Executive Director of the World Bank on the Russian Andrei Lushin,
- Chairman of SME Bank Sergey Kryukov,
- Vice-President of the Savings Bank of Russia Andrei Sharov.

During the roundtables were considered topical issues. At the round table “map” World “in the market of non-cash payments” discussed the development of the National System of payment cards, place cards “World” in the market of non-cash payments of the Russian Federation, as well as the basic approaches to the formation of its product and tariff components, including discussion of a legislative platform for the creation and development of the Russian payment system “Mir”.
At the round table SME Bank “Actual issues of credit and SME financing” discussed measures and instruments of state policy in the sphere of development of small and medium-sized enterprises, the principles of portfolio analysis and selection of a pool of collateral for the securitization of SME assets; standardization of data exchange in the market lending to SMEs.
Round table “Models and trends in the banking business: projections, infrastructure and new opportunities,” dedicated to the competitive environment in the banking market, forecasts and key trends in the development of the banking business, the transition to a digital model of the banking business.

General Director Financial and banking Association of countries-members of Cooperation of Shanghai (FBA SС) Berezovoy Oleg and chairman of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, the President of the Association of Regional Banks of Russia Anatoly Aksakov discuss the materials of the international banking forum.

This post is also available in Russian: XIII Международный банковский форум «Банки России – XXI век»